Prof. Dr. habil. Nahum Travitzky

Prof. Dr. habil. Nahum Travitzky

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Chair of Glass and Ceramics

Room: Room 145
Martensstr. 5
91058 Erlangen

PD Nahum TravitzkyDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering
Martensstr. 5
91058 Erlangen, Germany

Office: 1.45
Tel: 09131 85-28775

1985 – DSc in Materials Science, Technion, Israel
1973 – MSc in Physics, National University of Science and Technology, Russia

Awards and Honors
2006 – Otto von Guericke Award

Scientific Interestes
–Design, processing and properties of advanced ceramic-based materials
–Additive manufacturing
–Preceramic paper technology
–Preceramic polymer technology


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